History and Geography of Lake of the Ozarks Volume 1



By H. Dwight Weaver
History and Geography of Lake of the Ozarks is a key reference in an easy-to-use, A to Z format, focused on the history of the Lake of the Ozarks region and its landscape features. Expanding highways, rapid new roadside and lake shore development are changing the region from its former rural Ozark character into a busy and crowded metropolitan environment. The old fishing camps and small resorts are almost all gone. The log and rock cottages, sop common in the region from the 1930’s to the 1960’s, have nearly all vanished. So have most of the people who built them and their way of life. If has left the people who have grown up with the Lake as their home, their weekend get-away, or their place of business, nostalgic for what has been lost. The narratives in this book take you back to those lazy days of yesteryear.

Additional information

Weight 14.67 oz
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.6 in


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